Mt. Piz Val Gronda, located in the mountain range Samnaungruppe south of Ischgl (Northern Tyrol), is one of the largest areas in Austria with pristine alpine vegetation on calcareous schists. This area is unique in the entire Eastern Alps from a geological point of view. Additionally, it contains numerous endangered plant species and ecosystems, such as the Alpine pioneer formations of the alliance Caricion bicoloris-atrofuscae, which is classified as a “Priority Habitat Type of Community Importance” by the Habitats Directive of the European Union. Nevertheless, plans to turn this unique landscape into a skiing area exist already for a long time. The consequences for plant and animal life in the region would be disastrous; as can be clearly seen at the neighbouring Palinkopf, due to the particular geological conditions severe erosion takes place.
Large ski resorts established between Idalpe and Palinkopf have damaged destroyed large portions of the natural alpine vegetation in this region. The slopes and ridges of Piz Val Gronda and the valley of the rivulet Vesilbach constitute the last remaining pristine core of this biologically and geologically unique area, which is of utmost importance for nature conservation and deserves strict protection. The neighbouring Palinkopf is a daunting example that on this particular geological substrate the establishment of skiing areas inevitably causes severe and extensive erosion. This has left huge areas of devastated land, which strongly exceed the areas actually covered by ski-runs, lifts and further edifices and constructions (e.g., avalanche barriers), and irreversibly destroyed the alpine flora and vegetation.
Similar devastations will occur after the realization of the skiing area on Piz Val Gronda, whose calcareous schists are equally susceptible to erosion as those of Palinkopf. Thus, a unique piece of natural heritage, including many organisms and ecosystems that are protected by the Tyrolean conservation laws of 2006, is threatened to be irreversibly destroyed. This would bring about a dramatic and definite loss of biodiversity, because the habitats featured in the Red List of endangered biotopes are considered to have virtually no regeneration potential.
Therefore, we must stop the foreseeable destruction of this unique natural heritage!
Die vielen Unterschriften und positiven Reaktionen geben mir Mut und ist zudem für mich ein beruhigendes Gefühl am kommenden Mittwoch, den 28.11.2012, die Petition in Brüssel in der Naturschutzabteilung vorzulegen.
Ich finde ja, dass die Ornithologie, Geologie, Geomorphologie und Botanik die besten Argumente gegen die Erschließung liefern.
Das Gutachten der Umweltanwaltschaft und zwei weitere Gutachten belegen die herausragende naturschutzfachliche Bedeutung des Gebietes (geologisches Gutachten: K. Krainer, Univ. Innsbruck; vegetationskundliches Gutachten: P. Schönswetter, B. Frajman, L. Schratt-Ehrendorfer und H. Niklfeld, Univ. Innsbruck und Univ. Wien).
Abschließende Stellungnahme der Umweltanwaltschaft 07.09.2012
Botanik Wien:
verbunden mit naturfreundlichen Grüßen und Berg frei
Toni Kuen
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