AG-GAG is a term used to describe various anti-whistle blower laws. As of this date, several states have enacted AG-GAG legislation while many more states have proposed AG-GAG bills. These laws, while pretending to be for other purposes, specifically target investigative reporters who seek to expose the horrific torture of animals on factory farms across the U.S. to citizens who otherwise would never know.
These investigations are conducted by reporters who are with reputable charities such as Mercy For Animals, ASPCA and PETA, to name only a few. The sole purpose of these investigations is to record actual conditions inside our factory farms, as well as the treatment of the animals raised within, and accurately report their findings to the citizens of the U.S., who have every right to know.
WITHOUT ANY EXCEPTION, every single undercover investigation has revealed extensive and completely unnecessary heinous cruelty, filth and disease. What is considered standard practice in the industry is extremely cruel and unsanitary spreading disease and unimaginable suffering throughout the factory farms in the U.S.
What is NOT considered standard treatment in the industry is many factory farm worker's reprehensible treatment of the animals, again, completely unnecessary. Every undercover video has revealed workers beating (many times with weapons), kicking, stabbing, dragging of hurt animals, throwing animals and even sexual abuse.
AG-GAG legislation is also clearly a violation of the First Amendment rights of United States citizens, which reads, in part, "prohibits the making of any law infringing on the freedom of the press.".
We, the undersigned believe the public, has every right to know of the conditions and the treatment of animals in every factory farm who make their living selling us food. AG-GAG legislation has only one goal, to cover up heinous living conditions and filth and cruelty in factory farms, and it's morally reprehensible and goes against our very Constitutional rights. Thank you for reading.