Stop an Environment-Wrecking Trade Deal

A new trade deal is threatening ecosystems across the planet.
It's okay if you've never heard of the TPP, or Trans-Pacific Partnership. It's a massive so-called "Free Trade" deal between the U.S. and 12 other countries, covering everything from patent rights to labor practices and environmental regulation.
But despite the fact that it will impact the lives of hundreds of millions of people, negotiators and lawmakers are keeping the terms secret from the public. That's because corporations don't want us taking a closer look.
We know from leaked documents that this trade deal is bad news for everyone except corporate shareholders. It will make it easier for corporations to ship U.S. jobs overseas, it will keep cheap medicine out of the hands of sick people, and it will block environmental protection.
Our planet needs meaningful action if we're going to confront the challenge of climate change. But the TPP will make it easier for corporations to continue destroying and polluting without consequence.
And now, these companies are urging Congress to approve "Fast Track" authorization, pushing through this disastrous deal without debate.
The Trans-Pacific Partnership is bad news — for people, and the planet. Take action today and tell your member of congress: No on the TPP, No on Fast Track!
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