The dam (aVERY, DECEMBER 2013)volume will take the entire 84% of the water from river Omo that is the main inlet and the heart beat of lake Turkana normally contributing about 90% of water wihile the irrigation scheme will be the one collecting water comming out of the turbines at a controlled rate thus living little if not none to enter and replenish the ones lost through evaporation from the lake. This project by the Ethiopian government is going to affect the seasonality of the lake and its production for 11 years before going escorted by the project to its death bed, it will leave the riparian communities which are entirely relying on the lake for livelihood with options to choose though directing them to their graveyards, it will lead to the death of two wildlife conservancies/parks in Ethiopia near the Omo delta, it will lead to the death of beautiful papyrus vegetation in the river delta and the lake mouth leaving the wildlife and fish never mind about people to choose for death and extinsion finally it will deny the lake from its rightful inflow of 90% to only about 6% thus living only two very small lakes in the river mouths thats is one at the omo delta and another at the Kerio- Turkwel delta, therefore calling for the end of the name Lake Turkana and force it not to linger in the memories of thge Turkana, Samburu, El-Molo, Merrile/Dasenach, Gabra, Borana, Rendile people and others not mentioned. Please lets sign this petition to safe the lives that are going to suffer for ever, environmental suffering and the rights of the innocent wildlife and fish. WHAT FUTURE FOR LAKE TURKANA?????? DO WE LEAVE IT TO BE THE NEXT ARAL SEA IN AFRICA?????? WHAT ABOUT THE PEOPLES LIVES??????? ENVIRONMENT CHANGE??? CONSERVATION OF ANIMALS?????? DO WE STILL CARE FOR OTHERS?????? LAKE TURKANA IS IN NEED OF YOUR SIGNATURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RESPOND!.