It's a new day.
Actually, it's a new AGE.
and that is,
The Age of Compassion.
Never has the treatment of animals for their betterment had more international attention & consideration, than right now. It is PARAMOUNT today, that young children witness our treatment of animals to be responsible and kind and learn to be so themselves. We need to do all we can, to ensure the younger generation are above all, a compassionate generation.
TNR is compassionate in that it allows the cat to live out it's normal life, without having unnecessary litter after litter, and contributing to the problem over overpopulation that exists in our city. And we the people, ask that Sarnia CIty Council fund a temporary project, (such as Petrolia did for Cat Chance last year),to be specifically planned and implemented in Sarnia.
Now THIS is a great read, please I impore you friends, to peruse this very interesting international list of governments SUPPORTING TNR:
Rationale and effectiveness of TNR Reduced population over time:
Various long-term studies have shown that TNR is effective in stopping reproduction and reducing the population over time. An eleven-year study of a TNR program at theUniversity of Central Florida achieved a population decrease of 66%, from 68 cats in 1996 (when the census was first completed after some trapping); to 23 cats in 2002.[26] No new kittens were born after 1995, and newly arrived stray or abandoned cats were neutered or adopted to homes.[26]
In many cases, TNR has resulted in colonies closing when the last remaining cat died or was adopted. In the U.K., a TNR program at Stoke Mandeville Hospital ended with all the neutered outdoor cats having died, with none coming to take their place.[41]:522 TNR efforts in London's Fitzroy Square in the late 1970s resulted in the colony ending by 1990 with all the cats having died.[41]:522 The cat sanctuary of Parliament Hill in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, closed in January 2013, when the four remaining cats were adopted into homes.[142] One colony had already become extinct and another was approaching extinction within two years, in a study of 12 colonies in rural North Carolina.[143]:1363
Since Santa Clara County, California began TNR in 2011, the county reported that "Thanks to this program, the shelter saw a 15% reduction in cat intake and an amazing 65% reduction in cat euthanasia."[146] In a TNR program in Orange County, Florida, the numbers of cats euthanized decreased 18% in a six-year period after starting TNR.[147]:292
In September 2014, Johnson County, Indiana officials reported greater satisfaction with having saved the lives of hundreds of healthy cats in the program's first year. "We're not killing cats.... Not killing a healthy animal is always the right thing to do."[148]
You can watch a cute little Cat Chance video HERE, usually our work isn't this cute and easy!
Please visit Cat Chance on Facebook HERE:
Please visit Joe the Cat on Facebook HERE: OR:
READ about what Cat Chance does, HERE:
It's a new day.
Actually, it's a new AGE.
and that is,
The Age of Compassion.
Never has the treatment of animals for their betterment has never had more international consideration than it does right now. It is important that the the young children of today witness our treatment of animals to be responsible and kind. We need to ensure the younger generation are compassionate.
TNR is compassionate in that it allows the cat to live out it's normal life, without having unnecessary litter after litter, and contributing to the problem over overpopulation that exists in our city. And we the people, ask that Sarnia CIty Council fund a temporary project, (such as Petrolia did for Cat Chance last year),to be specifically planned and implemented in Sarnia.
Now THIS is a great read, please I impore you friends, to peruse this very interesting international list of governments SUPPORTING TNR:
Please share your comments below, on the bottom of this petition page- we'd love to hear your thoughts and possibly highlight your comments on JTC or to our Mayor and City officials!!