Save Vital Ecosystems from Oil and Gas Development

Generations of Americans have come to the Hoback Basin, the southern anchor of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, to experience its magnificent mountains, vibrant forests, and the headwaters of the Wild and Scenic Hoback River.
But recently the future of this unspoiled landscape was at risk, because beneath the Hoback lies a highly valued resource—natural gas.
Specifically, Houston-based Plains Exploration & Production Company (PXP) had plans to drill 136 gas wells and construct 30 miles of new roads at the headwaters of the Hoback River. If approved, it would have been the only instance in the United States of a major gas field at the headwaters of a Congressionally-designated Wild and Scenic river.
The threat of destruction that the Hoback Basin faced is becoming all too common across the United States, as oil companies search for new land to drill for natural gas, a "fracking" process that can devastate the local environment.
Luckily, The Trust for Public Land was able to step in and save the Hoback Basin by purchasing 58,000 acres of oil and gas leases and protecting the Hoback from future drilling.
The Hoback Basin was saved, but our work can't end here! Take action today and add your name in support of the work to protect vital ecosystems from fracking, now and in the future!
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