I have gone through Arctic Area exept Russia but I know the situation there also. In USA the Caribous=Reindeers are wild also in Greenland but in all other countries the Animals are owned by someone. There are socalled Reindeer ”hosts” which take care of their flock of Reindeers.
The words may be kind of odd to people which don't know the Caribou= Reindeer language.
In September or half of October The Bucks have their Rutting Season and the Doe will choose the best buck of them to get the best fawn.In these fights between Bucks they loose their horns which are really big and there are three horns Two in usual places and the third is on the 'face' for saving the reindeer on the Rutting Season fights. So the bucks are without horns at spiringtime.
The Does breeds the fawn 'On the Spring snowdrift' and at the time is crusted snow that the fawns can walk on the snow and don't sink into the snow. At this time the Doe still has horns because it must protect the fawn. One mother breed almost always one fawn and in the spring Reindeer separation the fawns always follow the mother doe and they are 'registered' that way.
This is also the time to separate the Reindeers which will be sold and goes to meat because every reindeer 'host' must have same number of them than year before, otherwise they wouldn't have food enough. These are also running free in the nature but they are somebodys property.
In Russia, as long the Reindeer 'hosts' don't take a house from the state they can feed the reindeers in the Arctic free, but they also own it. They live in Teepee's and move from place to place to feed the animals. The children must go to the boarding school and come back to Arctic in spring. Without this system the Caribous=Reindeers would have been Endangered or Extinct because of the greedy of man.