Wild Horse Roundups to catch them are cruel, barbaric and inhumane!!! Please, Care 2 members, send an protest e-mail to this adress by the 10th of April ´15, but I think you could also send it later, I think if hundreds or more e-mails arrive there later something has to change, too: lgrant@blm.gov
I did this to urge the Ohio Governor to stop this, here´s my text, I think it says all, please send a similar letter to the adress
E-Mail sent, this is my text: Subject: Wild Horse Roundups? , then the letter: Ladies and Gentlemen,
please stop the cruel Wild Horse Roundups with helicopters to catch the wild horses, there must be a better solution like bait-trapping, if the horses already can´t stay in their habitat, roundups with helicopters cause sooo much stress to the horses, and I once saw on TV how some horses broke down from exhaust, one even got a heart attack and died, this is cruel and barbaric!!!
Marion Friedl, South Germany, sent to lgrant@blm.gov, thanks for sharing!!!