URGENT: Stop Attacks on Birth Control
Women's health advocates worked incredibly hard to ensure that women were protected under health care reform, and that meant making sure birth control was covered by the insurance companies. Some employers, like churches, were allowed to opt-out of this requirement for religious reasons.
But now some want to expand the opt-out rule to include a huge number of so-called "religious employers" that could result in nearly three million workers and students losing access to birth control.
Let's be clear: just because your employer's health insurance covers birth control doesn't mean you have to use it, any more than you have to get a root canal every year just because it's covered by your dental insurance. This is about women having free and fair choices.
A decision is expected any day. Stand with EMILY's List and end attacks on women's access to birth control.
Stand with EMILY's List's nearly 1,000,000 activists dedicated to electing pro-choice, Democratic women who will fight for these rights.
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