Stop The Sale of Puppy Mill Dogs at Flea Markets

Across the United States, flea markets remain one of the last unregulated markets for inhumane puppy millers to sell dogs to consumers.
These puppies — many unvaccinated and not yet weaned — are kept in deplorable conditions both at the market and at the breeder's kennels. Confined to rusty wire cages, denied human contact or socialization, and often living in feces. It's no surprise these little puppies are often sick. In fact, one vendor from a Canton, TX flea market stated that "there are more dogs that die here from parvo than anything else."
But for these puppies, even escaping illness doesn't mean survival. At the end of the trading day, many dealers callously dispose of the dogs they can't sell — killing or just abandoning them to their fate.
Several states already have laws restricting the sale of puppies at flea markets, swap meets, and other roadside venues. But it's going to take action by a major national organization like the National Flea Market Association to really put the pressure on puppy millers and save these dogs' lives.
Together we can end the scourge of puppy mills and protect these innocent animals. Sign the petition today and tell the National Flea Market Association to force flea markets to stop selling puppies and adopt humane policies.
Dear President Sieban,
Purchasing a puppy at a flea market makes it impossible to see the parents of puppies or conditions in which they were raised — making flea markets perfect sales venues for dealers with something to hide.
Puppies who have been raised in poor conditions or have not received proper veterinary care often suffer from illnesses or parasites that are transmissible to humans, and diseases can spread rapidly at open-air venues like flea markets, where dozens of people a day may handle animals.
Transmittable health problems include parvovirus and mange, which can be passed to other puppies or dogs, and giardia, which can be passed to both animals and humans. Additionally, there have been cases of rabid puppies or kittens sold from open-air venues, such as flea markets and parking lots, to unsuspecting consumers.
[Your Comment]
Please urge flea markets to adopt humane policies and stop selling puppies.
Thank you,
[Your Name]
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