Protect California Mountain Lions: Give Them a Wildlife Crossing

P22 is a plucky young mountain lion who has become affectionately known as the "Hollywood Lion."
When he journeyed from his home in the Santa Monica Mountains to find new territory — and ultimately, a mate — he somehow made it across two of America's busiest eight-lane freeways.
He was very, very lucky. But most wildlife aren’t.
Many mountain lions and other wildlife never made it as far as P22 did. They were struck and killed by vehicles. Now, P22 is trapped on the wrong side of the freeway, and cannot get back to other mountain lions and the larger range that mountain lions need.
You can help mountain lions and other wildlife living in the hills near Los Angeles by calling on the U.S. Department of Transportation to provide safe passage between remaining protected habitat areas.
There is widespread support to create a wildlife crossing where the 101 freeway crosses an undeveloped canyon that connects two vital wildlife habitat areas.
But it won't get built without people like you raising your voices and urging the United States Department of Transportation to give wildlife like P-22 safe crossing through Liberty Canyon.
Help mountain lions and other wildlife who make their home in the Santa Monica Mountains — urge the U.S. Department of Transportation to support the creation of a wildlife crossing at Liberty Canyon.
U.S. Department of Transportation:
I strongly support the efforts of the California Department of Transportation, state and local elected officials, agencies, nonprofit organization and the surrounding communities to construct a wildlife crossing in the hills outside of Los Angeles at Liberty Canyon on the 101 freeway.
This vital wildlife crossing will be critical to helping mountain lions and other vulnerable wildlife of the Santa Monica Mountains. Wildlife in the area are at serious and unnecessary risk when they wander onto the busy freeways that cut through this crucial habitat area. The wildlife crossing will help mountain lions disperse from and travel through protected habitat, not only reducing vehicle collisions with wildlife, but also increasing the healthy genetic diversity of mountain lion population in the Santa Monica Mountains.
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Please approve and provide funding for the creation of an overpass or tunnel that all wildlife could use to cross safely. Thank you.
[Your name]
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