Tell Your Elected Officials: Scott Pruitt is a Dangerous EPA Nominee

The nomination of Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt to head the Environmental Protection Agency is an unprecedented threat to our children's health. Whether you are a Republican or a Democrat, this is a travesty. This nomination endangers our children.
Pruitt's past includes suing the very agency he is now being asked to lead, attacking vital health protections against soot and smog pollution, accepting money from corporate polluters, and lying about the science of climate change.
A Pruitt-led EPA will mean more pollution, dirtier air, more lies about the well-established science of climate change, and a general disregard for the health of our children.
Pruitt's nomination will be considered and voted on by the Senate. Tell your Senators to focus laser sharp scrutiny on this nominee. Senators must ask tough questions and demand real answers from Pruitt about his disregard for public health protections, his cozy financial relationship with polluters, and his climate lies.
Demand clean air for your family.
Oppose Scott Pruitt for EPA Administrator
Dear Senator,
As a parent concerned about children’s health, I am appalled at the nomination of Attorney General Scott Pruitt to lead the Environmental Protection Agency.
Attorney General Pruitt has accepted money from polluters, sued against the EPA to dismantle vital pollution safeguards, and lied about the well-established science of climate change. As a parent, I urge you to ask tough questions and demand real answers from Pruitt about his disregard for public health protections, his cozy financial relationship with polluters, and his climate lies.
Children suffer most from air pollution. Their little lungs are still developing, and the health impacts of pollution can last a lifetime. It is essential that we have a leader at EPA who is prepared to safeguard the essential public health protections achieved by EPA through cost-effective, time-tested pollution protection measures.
I am counting on you to seriously examine Attorney General Pruitt’s fitness for this job and consider, first and foremost, his commitment to protecting the health of all of our children.
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