Stop Child Exploitation in the UK

Every day children are being exploited for sex across our towns and cities.

Local Councils can prevent young people from being exploited, manipulated and controlled for sex -- but far too many of them aren't doing everything they could be, leaving young people at risk.

Due to our earlier campaign efforts the UK Government is publishing its first national action plan to tackle child sexual exploitation. This is great news, but it needs real leadership at a local level too.

Please support our campaign -- take action today to ask your Local Council to help protect young people against sexual exploitation. Together we can put an end to this abuse.
I support Cut Them Free, Barnardo's campaign to tackle the sexual exploitation of children.

Child sexual exploitation is a hidden crime, taking place out of sight across the country. I believe it is important that our Local Council does all that it can to protect children at risk in our area.

As my Councillor, I'd like you to raise this with the Lead Member for children's services to get our Local Council to support the campaign.

[Your comment inserted here]

Please consider signing up to the following statement yourself:

"I support Barnardo's campaign to cut children free from sexual exploitation and will work to ensure that my local authority takes the necessary steps to tackle the risk of this abuse."

Barnardo's has previously sent you an email with a personal link that you can use to sign up to support the campaign, or you can get in touch with Oliver Chantler at Barnardo's:

I hope you will support the campaign and commit to working to prevent this appalling crime in our area.
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