Protect American Wildlife from Global Warming

Global warming is about more than hurricanes, droughts and other instances of extreme weather.
Biologists around the planet are sounding the alarm -- stories about the plight of wildlife confronting the threat of global warming. And this is true for America as well where global warming is already having an impact in nearly every ecological zone.
For example, the stealthy, splendid Canada lynx is America's second largest wild cat. Threatened not only because of habitat loss and overtrapping, climate change has raised new concerns. With long legs and big paws, the lynx is an efficient snow hunter, and the warmer winters brought on by global warming threaten to disrupt its ability to hunt.
The Canadian lynx isn't alone. Tufted puffins, leatherback turtles, sugar maples, polar bears, monarch butterflies and many other species are in danger. We need the Senate to act by passing a national cap on America's global warming pollution. Please take action today!
Climate change is already altering America's rich natural heritage and threatening countless species, including sea birds, butterflies, sea turtles, wild cats, fish, and scores of trees across the American landscape.
If we don't act now to dramatically reduce our greenhouse gas emissions, thousands of species across America are doomed.
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I urge you to support an economy-wide cap on America's global warming pollution.
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