Every day 96 elephants on average are killed for their ivory. In one year the death tolls can range from 35,000-50,000 elephants killed. According to Kenyan based researchers, the price of one kilogram of ivory is $2100 (U.S. dollars) in China. If this trend continues the African elephant could be extinct in 10-11 years. Rhinos face a similar fate, with illegal poaching for their horns pushing them closer and closer to extinction.
Now you may ask why would you pass a bill in Indiana? Multiple states are working on ivory and rhino horn sale bans and closing loopholes nationwide. New York and New Jersey actually have full bans in place already. Illinois and other states are currently working on bills as well. Closing every door possible gives the elephants and rhinos a fighting chance. The goal is to prevent sales from within its own borders. It's one door at a time right now.
It's important to sign because these elephants and rhinos don't have the ability to speak up and defend themselves. We need to be their voice. If action is not taken we will look back and realize after its too late and we should be ashamed of ourselves if we let these animals die out just so poachers can make a buck in the Asian market.
These amazing animals deserve our protection and conservation. Will we act? Or will we sit by and do nothing? The choice is yours, but right now these elephants and rhinos need our help. This is not just our world, but theirs as well. Please sign and share. Thank you.
Please support efforts to pass legislation to ban the sale of ivory and rhino horns within the state of Indiana. This will close another door to sales and give the elephants and rhinos a fighting chance.
Thousands of Care2 members
Update #59 years ago
ACTION ALERT: Please call Courts and Criminal Code Committee Chair Thomas Washburne and tell him "You support HB 1052, banning ivory sales in indiana and want it heard in committee." Phone number: 317-232-9863. Thank you!
Update #48 years ago
As it is known HB 1052 to ban ivory sales in the state of Indiana did not get a hearing this year. 2017 we hope will be the year. Some changes will be made to the bill and we will go from there. Over the summer an ivory census will be conducted in hopes to see what is here in terms of ivory in Indiana.
Update #39 years ago
Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there! Even the animals!!
Update #29 years ago
Just want to say thanks to everyone once again! Also sign and share the petition with who you can. Every signature counts. Im going to set up a GoFundME account to raise money for "The Thin Green Line Foundation" which helps wildlife rangers and their families. They are on the front lines doing the best they can to protect these animals.
Update #19 years ago
would like to thank everyone who has signed and shared! Also big thanks to Aaron Viles with Care2 for helping send out some messages and what not. Very much appreciated. If anyone knows any one in the media I could get a hold of to raise awareness that would also be appreciated. Again share with everyone you know and encourage them to sign! Thank you!