I hope you are as angry as I am. The recent cold blooded killings of innocent families, including the slaughter of children in their homes in the middle of the night are testimony to the escalating violence that plagues our once peaceful nation.

It does not take a genius to see that political undercurrents help determine the crime situation in Guyana. Added to this is our court system which, at best is barely squeaking by a thread. Our lock-ups are not sufficiently secured to keep the criminals in and our security services are ill trained and ill equipped to deal with the new generations of criminals with their AK 47s and other sub-machine guns.  In a nutshell, our criminal justice system is in tatters and the government%u2019s hand is tied, and so it is unable to truly affect a turnaround. 

By signing the petition below, we are asking that the Government of Guyana requests the Secretary General of the United Nations to assist in creating a Commission to help revamp the justice system in the country. This Commission will have all access to the courts, the police stations, and the army and will, along with local, re-qualified Guyanese, foresee the safe protection of its citizens. We ask that the Commission be provided with a mandate of at least 36 months.  (This is not new to the UN. The Guatemala government recently agreed to the creation of a UN commission to help rectify that country%u2019s criminal justice system). 

We the undersigned ask the Guyana government seek help from the Secretary General of the United Nations to create a Commission to assist in revamping the security and justice systems in this country.  We also ask the major opposition parties to join with the government in this cause and be on the side of peace-seeking Guyanese. This petition is a signal that Guyanese, including the diaspora, demand their inalienable right to live in peace and security.

Dear Mr President:
We the Undersigned request that you take a stance to overhaul the entire security system in Guyana. We believe that the criminals and their white collar counterparts will rear their ugly heads and strike again in due course. Unless we clean up the whole criminal justice system in Guyana citizens will not be able to live in peace. We believe that the UN is the best instrument to help in this endeavour. It is impartial. Please let this be your legacy, Mr. President.
Thank You for taking the time for reading this letter.
Sharir Chan and other concerned Guyanese.
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