January 21, 2008
We the members of the NRHA have great reservations in regards to the proposed Futurity and Derby funding programs.
We feel the programs were put together with little or no input from the membership and as such should be shelved until a more detailed study of the member's wants, needs and desires are in regards to such important premiere events that will ultimately affect the entire sport for many years and could have a huge negative impact on the association.
We also feel an across the board fee requiring all members to invest more money in foals than is necessary to raise them at a time when the overall economy of our country is in a standstill and when the horse industry is in the doldrums is a huge mistake which will only serve to reduce numbers of prospective members from entering the reining horse industry.
We request that a more in-depth look be taken at the association's sponsorship programs and ask that a more professional, aggressive plan be put in place to raise income rather than have the association place an across the board tax on all members to support programs that are financially imperiled with no apparent explanation. We also suggest hiring a professional with a proven track record in developing sponsorship programs and raising money to be hired and placed in charge of this effort.
We request a questionnaire to be mailed to all members to receive input from the members to find out what is important to them and then plan accordingly.
We feel that any plan put in place without regards to the input from the overall membership will only serve to further divide and weaken the organization.
We have seen the results in the past year of proposed plans failing due to lack of membership input, we have seen the result of ignoring the input of the membership in the results of the past election.
We wish to have an organization that is forward looking with a plan that is inclusive and not exclusive. We wish to grow the organization and have a membership that feels they are part of the decision making process and not shut out without being heard.
We want leadership that operates with the thought of growth in all segments of the association to provide a secure future.
We request to be heard and part of the association and not just a source of funding for plans we don't have any input in but have to support regardless of our feelings.
Respectfully submitted
Joe Cunningham 35940