MD's Animals Deserve Freedom and Space to Move!

If you love animals, or if you care about your own health or your children, please sign this petition.  Now, the animals we raise for meat and eggs are being treated very badly.  They are cramped in cages so small that they cannot move around or spread their legs or wings.  Crowding lots of animals together harms the environment and our health because their waste pollutes the air and water and causes global warming.
In 2008, California passed a law saying that chickens, pregnant pigs, and veal calves must have enough space to lie down and stretch their legs or wings.  Maryland needs to pass a law like that!  Please sign!
We, the undersigned, believe that farm animals have the right to move around and stretch their legs and wings.  Right now, the animals we raise for meat and eggs are being treated very badly.  They are cramped in cages so small that they cannot move around or spread their legs or wings. 
Animals in crates can spread disease and cause global warming and pollution with their waste.
In 2008, California passed a law saying that chickens, pregnant pigs, and veal calves must have enough space to lie down and stretch their legs or wings.  Please, Maryland, pass a law like that!
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