Australian governments genocide against speed addicts
We Australian speed users are concerned about this governments .Aparent lack of concern for the lives of amphetamine addicts whom are ranked behind heroin addict in legal rights Their is no cure for addiction and to denie drugs to those that are addicted is torture a violation of human rights .We have no elected representatives in your parliment and were given no input in to police psuedo watch witch is just a money making scheme by corrupt members of the police and government .who shold know that to deprive an amphetamine addict of drugs puts them at risk of suicide or worse heroin addiction.and this has been happening, for the four years that the government has been stopping our web site www.junkiesagainstecrime .org your own figures from injecting rooms prove this with more people using heroin and citing the poor quality of speed as the reason .meanwhile a senior drug squad officer is planning 120,000,000.00 of ice that he and freinds intend to produce this is typical of a police force that is so involved in the exploitation of addicts that should our political party cone in to power we will be putting some of them on trial in geneva for war crimes .the police already enjoy a monoply on heroin distribution and their contol of the ice industry now sees addicts paying 28,000dollars an ounce for ice on the street .all because the government belives it owns them and can force them into lives of crime simply by controling the thing they need most in life .I SUBMIT TO YOU YOU DO NOT OWN ADDICTS LIVES nor do you own their minds or thier right to drugs that give them quality of life in fact the government is owned by the people and the people are sick of liveng in a society that has a high crime rate entierly due to the drug laws .These laws that used the failed prohibition of alchol as a template have done the same predictable thing when applied to drugs its made the sick in to criminals to be punished out of their addiction and promoted organized crime and political corruption so we are calling for an end to the drug laws and an end to the infernal police psuedo watch.regards the motorcycle messiah.
We the undersigned would like to know when addicts signed their leagal right to take drugs we have no recollection of ever having done this and if we did, it would not be legal as you can't sign your leagal rights away under law. We think that when with the loaded gun of no development loans at you head in the 1930, when you passed these laws under duress from the forgot that they would never be legal .Or corrupt members of the government decided to exploite addicts who were kept ignorant of the law in order to exploite them .So we would like our leagal right to self determination on self medication restored. regards the motorcycle messiah and the junkies againt crime.

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