Zoo Forces Orangutans to Box: Demand TripAdvisor Stop Promoting the Abuse!

  • van: Margherita B
  • ontvanger: TripAdvisor CEO Stephen Kaufer

In the Bangkok Safari World Zoo, captive Orangutans are kept in horrific, cramped living conditions and forced to dress up and box with each other every night for the pleasure of a naive audience.

Orangutans are docile primates with a very high level of intelligence. Violence is basically an unknown trait in their behaviour. In this atrocious show, however, they shove, punch and sometimes even bite each other. Heartbreaking for those who know how delicate an orangutan can be, it is also a clear sign that they are being pushed beyond their limits.

By publicising the Bangkok Safari World Zoo, Tripadvisor is promoting a company that has ripped a baby from its mother and forced it - by fear and pain - to do what it would never naturally do. TripAdvisor is promoting animal abuse and it must stop.  

We demand that TripAdvisor delete the Bangkok World Safari Zoo listing from its platform immediately!

To whom it may concern,

In the Bangkok Safari World Zoo, captive Orangutans are kept in horrific, cramped living conditions and forced to dress up and box with each other every night for the pleasure of a naive audience. 

Orangutans are docile primates with a very high level of intelligence. Violence is basically an unknown trait in their behaviour. In this atrocious show, however, they shove, punch and sometimes even bite each other. Heartbreaking for those who know how delicate an orangutan can be, it is also a clear sign that they are being pushed beyond their limits. 

By publicising the Bangkok Safari World Zoo, you are promoting a company has ripped a baby from its mother and forced it - by fear and pain - to do what it would never naturally do. You are promoting animal abuse and it must stop.  

We demand that you delete the Bangkok World Safari Zoo listing from your platform immediately!

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