Demand protection of wild chinchillas in Chile.

  • al: amy deane
  • destinatario: The Chilean President, Congress, Dept. of Environment, Lands and Agriculture  Link to video of wild chinchillas, their habitat and out project where we want to expand reserve. Wild chins can be seen in an area that is being destroyed by mining TODAY!

Please ask the Chilean president, agricultural ministry, land, enivornmental ministry and congress to expand the current protected areas. Most of the wild chinchillas live outside of protected areas. They can expand the reserve to protect these critically endangered animals. Only about 4000 wild ones are left! The majority live on communal lands just outside of the current reserve. The local people that live there (3 families) could be paid to take care of these little animals!  Below is a list of all the representatives.  Please write to them, sign this petition and share.  Thank you!  amy and the wild chinchillas

En espanol:

Please take the time to copy the email address above and send a note asking for the expantion of the reserve! Por favor, tómese el tiempo para copiar la dirección de correo electrónico anterior y enviar una nota solicitando la ampliación de la reserva!

Actualizar #3hace 9 años video of areas we want incorporated into the protected reserve with wild chinchillas in the last minute
Actualizar #2hace 9 años
Here is the link to areas outside of the reserve that we want protected.
Actualizar #1hace 9 años
Thank you for sharing! I added the text in Spanish. If you have time, please share! Thank you for all your help. It will take all of us to get this park expansion created.
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