In August this year I accompanied my friend Bob Cole to Dignitas in Zurich. He was in such terrible pain as a result of his asbestosis, which no amount of drugs could alleviate. Bob would rather have died in his own home, in his own bed, with his friends around him. But instead he had to make the long and painful journey to Switzerland, because the law here in Britain does not allow dying people the choice to control their death.
That is why we are asking you to please email your MP in support of the Assisted Dying Bill before it is debated on Friday 11 September. Before Bob was assisted to die, he had a message for MPs, he said:
"The politicians need to have the guts to change this law. Accept that the British public want this change. I'm asking MPs to be sympathetic to cases like mine. How many people will have to suffer before they pass this law?"
Bob's story, sadly, is not uncommon. One person from Britain travels to Dignitas to die every two weeks. But for every person who goes to Dignitas, 10 more dying people take their own lives here at home. Many die in desperate and undignified ways, often alone. With a safeguarded law in place, we could give choice and control to dying people and let them decide when their suffering has become unbearable. No one would be made to die - this law would enable choice.
In memory of Bob Cole, please email your MP about assisted dying today.
Carol Taylor OBE
Dear [Member of Parliament],
I'm writing to you as your constituent to ask you to support the Assisted Dying Bill when it is debated on Friday 11 September. I believe the recent case of Bob Cole, as covered in The Sun and on ITV News, shows that the current law is broken.
Dying people like Bob are forced to make incredibly difficult and unnecessary choices at present simply to have control over their own inevitable deaths. One Britain travels to Dignitas for assistance to die every two weeks. For every person who travels to Dignitas, 10 more dying people take their own lives here at home. This situation cannot be ignored.
[Insert why you personally support changing the law here].
A new law with upfront safeguards, limited to terminally ill, mentally competent adults, would both protect vulnerable people and give dying people choice and control over their death here, not abroad. As my elected representative, I urge you to support this change, a change supported by an overwhelming majority of the public - 82% of Britons support this Bill.
Many thanks for taking the time to read this email, I look forward to your response.
Yours sincerely,
[Your name here]
[Your email here]
[Your address here]