Whitehall Mall Pet Shop Sells Unhealthy Puppies: Demand an Investigation!

I recently purchased a pomski from The Pet Shop in Whitehall Mall, and he was immediately diagnosed with parvovirus. This means if I did not rescue this dog he most likely would have become very sick and possibly died. 

I've talked to many people about this pet shop, and it seems that over half the puppies that come out of this "pet shop" have serious medical issues. They also provide no medical information of the puppies' parents nor do the managers even know (or admit) to where the puppies have come from. It is currently believed that these puppies are from mills. 

Please sign the petition to urge the SPCA and LeHigh County's Humane Police Officer to investigate The Pet Shop in Whitehall Mall!
This is a serious issue our community has been turning a blind eye on for some time. The goal here is to force this organization to comply with higher standards when it comes to taking care of their animals and stop getting dogs from puppy mills. If they can not meet these demands the next step would be to permanently shut them down.
I'd like to know how your visit to pet shop went, because people have been contacting me with absolute horror stories: dogs with cancer, fatal pneumonia, mental illnesses, etc. They all seem to be common at this place. Please feel free to email me with your stories, good or bad: Tyler.karrat33@gmail.com

Even if you don't have a story to share, please sign my petition to urge the SPCA and LeHigh County's Humane Police Officer to investigate The Pet Shop in Whitehall Mall.

  • Hi my name is Jill Burke, I'm 20 and I bought a Bassett hound puppy from the Palmer park mall pet shop in November of 2015. When I got her I took her too the vet about 5 days after getting her because the pet store covered her first visit at warren animal hospital and she was diagnosed with kennel cough(which I know is common in puppies). They gave me steroids and antibiotics for me to give her. Well about two weeks after that I hadn't noticed any change in how she was feeling so I took her back to warren for a follow up. Well when I took her back all they did was clip her toe nails and give me more steroids. They told me she was absolutely fine and her heart and lungs were perfectly clear. About two weeks after that on Saturday dec 6th 2015 at around 10 at night she coughed up blood and fainted twice. So I rushed her too valley central ER, here she had pneumonia and they kept her overnight for 4 days. Me only being 20 it's not something I can afford having almost a $2500 vet bill after not even having this puppy for a month. I contacted the pet store trying too get some reimbursement back and they refused because she was past warranty even though she wasn't (I have the papers for proof of that saying I'm entitled to the price of the puppy). I know this pet store has been sued twice in the past for the same reason(selling sick animals) and now she has to get sedated and get a trachea wash because she isn't doing any better, here we are $10,000 later and still not issue free she made it to see her first birthday July 21st and because of me and people like Tyler fighting for these animals her and other puppies will live too see many more years. 


    Hi, We bought a Basset Hound from The Pet Store at the Palmer Park Mall in May 2015. We were told that he had kennel cough and would recover in a couple days. We brought him home on Sunday and ended up rushing him to the animal hospital in the middle of the night 4 days later in severe respiratory distress. He almost died from pneumonia and ended up in an oxygen chamber for 7 days. He continued to battle illness for the next 2-3 months until finally being back in good health. The pet store fought with us and wouldn't do anything at first because we did not let him suffer all night and wait for "their vet" to open. The vet who saw him said that he could have died if we had waited any longer. They eventually agreed to refund the cost of the dog but that did little to put a dent in his abundance of medical bill costs! They are horrible and should be ashamed that they sell these poor sick puppies and treat their customers horribly when there is a problem. They are no better that the puppy mills that they get the puppies from! I hope that you are able to get enough support to make a change!


    Tara Andrews

Update #1vor 8 Jahren
I emailed wfmz today and gave them a look into what we are trying to do here. I also left a message for the dog warden of the humane society. Now I'm just waiting to hear back. I'll keep you updated and thank you for the support.
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