Create & Implement an Animal Cruelty Registry in New Mexico

Animals are poor defenseless beings who cannot speak out for their own protection. That’s why it is so important that people like you stand up to protect them.  

Under New Mexico laws, a person who intentionally or maliciously kills, tortures, mutilates, injures or poisons an animal can be found guilty of a fourth-degree felony. However, a statewide animal cruelty registry could protect even more innocent animals from abuse and neglect.

Like public registries for child abusers and sex offenders, those who abuse and neglect animals  should face serious, lifetime implications.  

Any person convicted of animal abuse, cruelty or abandonment of any sort needs to be listed on this registry. To be accurate, the abuser’s information needs to be updated on a regular basis.  Furthermore, any person listed on this database should remain there for a lifetime and be banned from any future animal ownership or working with or caring for animals.

Encourage New Mexico to implement and strictly enforce an animal cruelty registry that will help to protect these voiceless, defenseless animals statewide --  sign and share this petition.

New Mexico State Legislators – There are numerous issues involving assaults and abuse of poor defenseless animals that goes unreported with no one being held accountable.  In an effort to work through each of our glorious United States, we are asking that you consider implementing and strictly enforcing an animal cruelty registry as a serious tool in the defense of animals.  An animal cruelty registry would need to be similar in stature to that of other databases for child abusers and sex offenders with serious, lifetime implications.  Any person convicted of animal abuse, cruelty or abandonment of any sort needs to be listed on this registry.  To be accurate, the abuser’s information needs to be updated on a regular basis.  Furthermore, any person listed on this database should remain there for a lifetime, being banned from any future animal ownership, working with or caring for them as a means of protecting future defenseless lives. We ask that you work diligently to put such a database into effect ASAP.

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