URGENT! STOP and forbid legal KILLING of healthy pets and Animals in SWEDEN!

Why permits, the Swedish government, its citizens, to act irresponsibly and still allow the killing of healthy or animals that can be cured when it comes to trouble for the owner? Despite the legality of killing, there are homeless animals in Sweden and an unofficial statistics indicate 6,000 healthy dogs euthanized by veterinarians or hunters when the owners are tired of the animal! The law permits the killing of healthy animals in Sweden is thus a major failure and creates only suffering for the animals. When will Sweden as a Member State of the European Union to take responsibility and implement laws that cares about the animals and investing money in local authorities and volunteers to help with grants and funding to be neutered, educate pet owners and find new homes for animals that come to trouble ? Swedish County Board promotes the killing of healthy animals for failing to homeless animals and even killing of timid cats. Veterinarians who denies killing have been able to be punished by the law 2004. This is not correct in a country that wants considered civilized. - What is the basic cause of the problem with this cruel mentality in Sweden on animals? Lots of animals are killed anyway in brutal way of actual owners and many pets become homeless, yet despite this absurd law on euthanasia in Sweden! So the law has not resolved the problems with homeless or not desidered Animals. When will Sweden as a Member State of the European Union recognize that the killing of healthy animals come to the trouble goes against the Animal wellfare? The animals in Sweden are killed sometime without medical grounds and no clear records are kept. Therefore, the number of healthy animals are killed each year in Sweden must be much larger than the unofficial 6000 on dogs. Some pet owners have taken puppies and kittens, and let them euthanize when they no longer are cute and entertaining, and then take the new. This goes on and on and no one will stop this trend. More information of Animal rights needs. Veterinary care in Sweden is among the most expensive in Europe and requires veterinary insurance to be able to go to the vet. Veterinary clinics have become major shares owned corporations that work best for business. The view of animals have been wrong in Sweden because of this law. We ask the Minister of Agriculture to prohibit the killing of healthy animals and help local governments for animal husbandry and care of animals.

This is an article from the swedish newspaper Aftonbladet 2004 but to now it's not happened a lot.

Each week Bozenna Montwill several calls from pet owners who want to kill perfectly healthy pets. - It is primarily about cats and guinea pigs, but even dogs are common, she says. The family's pet is sacrificed when a financial crisis occurs when someone becomes allergic - or when it is time for the holidays. Simple solution - It is quite clear that some pet owners do not have the strength or want to try and place of their animals. It will be a simple solution to killing, says Bozenna Montwill. It is perfectly permissible under the Animal Welfare Act. But Bozenna Montwill have had enough. - I feel terribly bad by being forced to kill these animals. My job as a veterinarian is to save lives. So now I refuse. Every time she says no, she commits misconduct. Therefore, she filed a police report itself. - I break the animal protection law. But many times it is possible to relocate the animals instead of letting them die in vain. It should be forbidden to kill healthy pets. "Our right" There are no statistics on how common it is for healthy pets euthanized. But the Swedish Animal Welfare Agency in Skara sees it not as a big problem. - We have the right to rule over the animals' life and death. If a pet owner has concluded that an animal has to be killed, it's a veterinarian job to do it - even if the animal is healthy, says Torsten Jakobsson, director of pet unit. Reduced suffering He thinks that killing is a good option. - If people can not take care of their animals so they should turn to the veterinarian who has the training and opportunities to help give the animals a good end with as little suffering as possible.

Italian article from the magazine Veganzetta:



Bäste Jordbruksminister!

Detta är en namninsamling som personer från hela världen har skrivit på och kommenterat.

Ett land som Sverige ses av många som modernt, Djurvänligt och civiliserat. Tyvärr bidrar laglighet av avlivning av friska eller botliga Djur som kommit till besvär till en annan bild av Sverige. Människor är skockade och besvikna.

Ni kan läsa några av kommentarena i namninsamlingen.

Det behövs en radikal förändring av synen på Djur i Sverige. Djur ska inte anses som lösöre utan som kännande individ. Djurägare måste ta ansvar!

Veterinärkostnader måste bli lägre så att alla kan ha råd att ha Djur och sterilisera de. Sverige ligger högst i veterinärkostnader men inte i kvalitet.

Bidrag måste ges såsom i de flesta länder i Europa till frivilliga organisationer som tar hand om och arbetar med omplasering och sterilisering av Djur utan ett hem.

Att låta avliva ett friskt Djur bara för att det har kommit till besvär är inte förenligt med ett civiliserat land.

Björnungar kan inte avlas upp i Djurparker för att locka publik och sedan avlivas då de växer. Samarbete med andra Djurparker i Europa går att skapa.

Härmed kräver vi som har skrivit under denna namninsamling förbud av av avlivning av friska eller botliga Djur som kommit till besvär.

Vänliga hälsningar

Update #2vor 9 Jahren
Dear Animal friends!
Thank You a lot for signing! Please help swedish pets to not be killed if they are healthy! We need 50 000 signatures!

Please share to friends and family!

Thank You anticipated!

Best regards
Pia Ragni Orrhammar ( promoter of the petition)
Update #1vor 9 Jahren
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