Ban all acts of animal cruelty, especially to dogs!

  • von: Chloe Seymour
  • empfänger: All those who mistreat animals, enforce dog fighting, damage dogs unecessarily

They give us unconditional love every day.

My question is, do we deserve it?

I see too many stories of dogs being mistreated, dogs being made to fight, dogs being overbred for profit, dogs being killed because they don't have homes.

Dogs are also naturally affectionate. Their instinct is to want to bond. Dogs that fight or attack have been conditioned by humans to be that way. Dogs want to love and be loved, which I think deep down is what all of us want. They want to be part of a pack, contribute to their pack, and protect their fellow pack members.
Dogs have been and still to their dying day are loyal to us. It's time we return the favour.

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