• von: Israel C.
  • empfänger: PATA - non-profit organization for the animal protection


Dear animal lovers ,

My name is Israel and I ´m co-founder of PATA , an acronym in Portuguese for "Protecting the Animals with All the Love" . Our society for animal protection was founded in Guabiruba , a town with 20,000 inhabitants in Southern Brazil , in June 2013 because some people here decided sometihng had to be done to improve the life standards of the animals in our town . Our nonprofit organization faces a lot of problems every day that we believe must be the same for many other similar societies for the animal protection around the developing countries : homeless pets , violence against animals , unwanted puppies , lack of government commitment and no punishment for those who kill ,abandon or torture animals .
This year Brazil is under a deep financial crisis and that made things harder both  for people and animals. The number of abandoned animals increased significantly while the number of adopted ones went unfortunately down and our society has no shelter as properties are bloody expensive here and the scarce resources aren´t even enough to pay the expenses with the pet hospitals . We totally depend on people who allow to host a pet until they find a new home but actually we have no person who has room for a single dog available and that´s why we have some pets at veterinarian centres and obviously we have to pay for them there .
One of the most recent cases is Vittoria . She was rescued on October 21 as you can see on the picture . Although she looks like an old dog , she is a small-sized puppy at the age of 6 months only . An unknown person (no sure if I can use the word "person") left her behind starving and the vet who received her said Vittoria was saved in the last minute . She was under serious hipothermia , infested by fleas and diagnosed with scabies .
She´s under treatment now but we really need help and we kindly ask for any contribution to help PATA to pay Vittoria´s expenses. She´ll stay for a while at the pet hospital and we want to see Vittoria earn enough weight and be totally recovered from the parasites and scabies and then spay her when she is totally healthy before finding her a new home.We reckon we need about 900 Reais - Brazilian Currency ( about 200.00 Euros) to cover her expenses.

You can donate using Paypal sending any amount to mentioning "Vittoria" .
If you can´t donate , please invite friends to do that. Don´t hesitate to like our facebook page and contact us if you have any doubt.
We and Vittoria say Thank-you for your contribution!



I signed the petition and I ´ll help Vittoria with a little donation and/or the commitment to ask my friends to do that!

Update #1vor 9 Jahren

we have already collected the funds needed for Vittoria and she has already found a new home .Thank-you for your support!
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