Pass a law

Our goal is to get 100,000 signatures. Puppy mills are horrible and we need signatures! We want to pass a law that a person can only breed three times. Please tell all your friends about this petition.

I think people should sign because puppy mills are horrible to dogs. Dogs can't speak for themselves so we have to do it for them.

Update #5vor 9 Jahren
Hi guys, can you please sign my friend Norah's petition it's called, stop I.S.I.S. and support France during these times. Thanks
Update #4vor 9 Jahren
Thank you so much to everyone who has helped us get to this 2,633!!! Please tell EVERYONE about this petition. Though we are getting a little bit slow and some people are losing faith in this petition. That's why we are NEEDING signatures. Thank you -Natasha
Update #3vor 9 Jahren
If you want to stop puppy mills stop buying dogs from pet stores. Uncle Bills is one of the WORST.
Update #2vor 9 Jahren
God bless all of you. I love you guys. Thank you SO much and can you guys also sign a petition by my friend Norah Wills it's about girls equal rights and boys please sign it too
Update #1vor 9 Jahren
Everyone please sign your first and last name please. I'm really not trying to be rude but I think you have to 😓😓😓
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