One of the few dog friendly beaches at the Jersey Shore is about to join ranks of those where Man's Best Friend is not allowed. Fisherman's Cove, a conservation area along the Manasquan Inlet, better known to locals as the "Dog Beach" due to its popularity with dog owners, will no longer be open to four legged visitors between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. starting Memorial Day. The decision by the Monmouth County Parks System was made in an effort to "avoid conflict, and allow all to equally use the site."
As a dog mom this decision breaks my heart. Every dog i've owned has loved and appreciated this little dingy stretch of beach more than I think any person possibly could. It is a spot on the inlet where the boat traffic is high, where hard rocks cover the shore line, and seaweed and jellyfish tend to pile up. It is a place where I feel most people would not want to go swimming or sun bathe but for a dog it's the best place in the world.
This beach has always been accessible to anyone, dog owners and non-dog owners alike. Everyone has and can continue to coexist just fine. To put this ban on the beach only restricts a majority of the visitors who currently use this site. So I'm writing this petition to show Monmouth County Parks System how much this beach means to the dog community and plead with them not to ban the only group who truly appreciates this otherwise unusable land.
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