Relational Responsibility for the preservation and health
of Water, Culture and Mother Earth's Nature
are interdependent.
No community can thrive economically, educationally or spiritually without the guiding principles of respecting how to live with Nature and with the relativity of what Mother Earth naturally provides.
We the People of Taos County are speaking our objection to a proposed "draft" Off Highway Vehicle (OHV) Ordinance, in it's current form. While it is complying with Gov. Martinez Bill, it falls short in addressing Taos County rural and wilderness concerns.
Any proposed OHV Ordinance needs a full and transparent public forum to reach consensus, yes consensus by all potentially affected parties or it should NOT be passed because of the following reasons:
1. Why Consensus? We can no longer jeopardize our ecosystem by the winner and loser majority system, because all of our lives and the future generations depend on clean water, air, nature, food, and healthy neighborhoods.
2. We are enormously grateful for the expertise of what has been written by the Sheriff, as it is something that we can build on to meet the specific needs and considerations of Taos County.
3. The proposed ordinance widens OHV use to include All County Roads, and loosely reflects current rules and regs which are not adequate to protect neighborhoods, from becoming OHV race grounds.
4. As the non-public, non transparent process of the current draft reads, it has NO explicit provisions for the protection of private roads, ag-lands, livestock, cultural sites, rivers and streams, neighborhood noise pollution, limiting OHV to existing designated County locations , disruption to migratory corridors and exceptions for ranch, livestock and acequia maintenance, to name only a few recommendations....
5. Currently the Taos County Sheriff officers claim they can do nothing about underage unsupervised children racing OHVs on private roads, "because there is no County ordinance". This is a liability to the private road owners, should a child be hurt or killed, or they cause injury to others.
Some States and counties have such wording for example: "No OHV riding on private roads or property without notarized permission from all parties. Such Permission must be carried on the OHV operator at all times."
6. Opening our Mountain Watershed to Additional OHV recreational tourism could look like this and cause destruction to our watershed:
Videos from:
7. For more information about why OHV are detrimental to our ecosystem:
We the People of Taos County request the immediate remediation to the the current "draft" ordinance, and more perspectives from People of each district, to provide oversight, research, and collaboration with the Taos County Commissioners and legal department for a comprehensive and coherent, OHV ordinance to be achieved.
Please sign and share this petition ~
This is a petition for the remediation of the "draft" Taos County Off Highway Vehicle (OHV) Ordinance that is currently in the legal department and is being pushed to come up for a vote by the County Commissioners.
Please sign this petition, and share far and wide.
Thank you, from Mother Earth, All our Relatives, and the future generations to come.
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