How Do You Make Something ‘Go Viral’? Learn Tips of the Trade from Two Star Activists

Before I begin this post, let’s get some things out of the way, shall we? For example, the beginning of November sucked. It sucked for people of color, it sucked for women, it sucked for immigrants, it sucked for Muslims, it sucked for pollsters and freedom of the press, and it just basically sucked. Like, really bad.
But, it’s not all bad. Because right now, when we all need it most, Activist University powered by Care2 is bringing you hope. A light in the dark. Tools to elevate your voice and regain your power. After all, this is your world, too. And it’s time to get involved.
This month, we’re going to bring you an exciting live conversation with two of the brightest voices in the fights against climate change and against sexism in the music industry. These voices belong to Xiuhtezcatl Martinez and Michael Eisele, two incredible young people who are (peacefully) kicking butt and taking names. They’re not letting anything hold them back – and neither should you.
The most exciting thing about Xiuhtezcatl and Michael? They’ve actually started their own movements. Like, viral, millions-of-people-read-their-words, interviewed-in-famous-news-outlets kind of movements. The no-joke kind of movements. And they’ll teach you how to turn your cause into a viral movement, too.
For just a brief overview of what they’ve achieved:
- At 16 years old, Michael spearheaded the #FreeKesha movement after he learned about the inhumane treatment of his favorite singer/songwriter, Kesha. Three years later, more than 232,000 people have signed his petition and he’s created more than 11 million impressions on Twitter. This has helped foster a tremendous awareness of sexual assault and sexism in the music industry today.
- Xiuhtezcatl is a 16-year-old Indigenous climate activist. You may have seen him speaking in AJ+ videos, giving TED Talks, or convincing comedian Bill Maher to sign his Care2 petition asking the U.S. government to fight climate change. He’s the Youth Director at conservation organization Earth Guardians and also a hip-hop artist.
Excited yet? Join us on Tuesday, November 29th at 4:00pm Eastern (9pm GMT) for our live conversation with these two activists.
And get ready to launch your own movement.
See you in a week!
– M