R.A.G.S of Coventry are a backyard small animal rescue, run by sisters Karen and Lynn Beasley, that have been neglecting animals for many years. Animals have been denied basic entitlements such as water and clean bedding, have been allowed to get and spread diseases and are left in small, filthy and unsuitable enclosures. This is just the surface of the neglect these animals have received.
The sisters themselves have threatened to close the rescue on many occasions in order to receive more money from kind hearted members of the public, but always stay open. They recently used emotional blackmail in a video on the Coventry Telegraph website saying that if they don't receive more money they will put the animals to sleep. It is unclear where this donated money is spent as the animals are regularly found in their own excrement and without hay. Most animals are not neutered and many require veterinary treatment.
With the owners of RAGS having refused many offers of help from local volunteers, a group of concerned animal lovers have exposed the truth behind RAGS on social media. Please look at the images showing the conditions these animals have been living in.
With the owners refusing the help offered we now feel the only option is to close this rescue as the owners clearly no longer have the desire or compassion to run it. We have kindly received offers of homes for the animals at the rescue from many UK rescues so the animals will finally be in safe, clean, caring environments.
Please sign in order to urge the Beasley sisters to admit that they need to close for the sake of these animals.