Russian office of WCS practices catching Amur tigers with so-called "ALDRICH type loops" in scientific purposes. According to a scientific paper by biologists S.Kolchin and P. Maistrenko, this method deals fatal harm to animals and provoke conflicts with humans.
Aldrich loops inflict terrible wounds to the animal, making it impossible for them to hunt. Tigers also break their claws trying to get out of the trap.
Being unable to hunt anymore, tiger faces emaciation. It may have to attack human just to feed itself.
This is what happened to an Amur tiger named Ivan, who got captured by WCS with an Aldrich loop 27.10.09. 15.10.10 he attacked a human and was shot down. Ivan had serious wounds on his paw, he also was utterly exhausted.
This issue is not the only one: you can learn more in the paper (
Besides, Aldrich loops are dangerous for other animals. The catching of hoofed animals by these loops often results in breaking the leg with muscle rupture and hence, the inevitable death.
Please help to ban the usage of Aldrich loops in Russian reserves.
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