Please sign and share this petition in an effort to put an end to pigeon shooting as a form of entertainment. One of the largest pigeon shoots is ever popular in Hegins, Pennsylvania where they trap thousands of live pigeons, release them and shoot. Laws were being implemented to stop this form of sport, only to be engaged in throughout other areas of Pennsylvania. Something needs to be done to protect the pigeons and this form of abuse and brutality.
Pigeon shoots have been highly popular in certain areas of Pennsylvania but animal activists sought out laws and regulations to end this form of entertainment. Pigeons were gathered in boxes and brought to "shooting ranges" to be released as a target shooting exercise. Additionally, boys young dashed into the fields to twist off the heads of the wounded, flailing birds, compounding the cruelty with a clean-up process that just had to deaden the empathy of kids conscripted to participate in this perverted adult spectacle. Finally the courts got involved to put an end to this brutality in these areas that also involved shooting dogs and cats.
Now the National Rifle Association is fighting against this new bill H.B. 1750. They are trying to carry out this form of sport in other areas throughout Pennsylvania. It is not a sport but a clear form of abuse. As officials and activists state, this activity cannot be called hunting because there is no licensing, hunting season, no bag limits, and no consumption of the animals shot. Instead, these animals are shot for fun and then brutalized.
President of the HSUS witnessed a pigeon shoot where it didn't take her long to come across a wounded bird who had been suffering for hours and was gasping for breath. The bird's injuries were so severe that she helped to humanely euthanize the animal. She says that after this experience, she made a pledge to campaign against pigeon shoots until they were ended for good. She's been fighting for 20 years for the enactment of this policy, and she's been joined by a strong group of responsible lawmakers.
Live pigeon shooting is a cruel and frivolous form of fleeting entertainment, with no larger social purpose or benefit. It is not hunting but a disgrace, and lawmakers who fail to stand tall on issues with this kind of moral clarity should feel only shame and embarrassment. We have to stop this so-called form of entertainment and ban pigeon shoots. Please sign and share this petition in an effort to put an end to pigeon shooting as a form of entertainment. One of the largest pigeon shoots is ever popular in Hegins, Pennsylvania where they trap thousands of live pigeons, release them and shoot. Laws were being implemented to stop this form of sport, only to be engaged in throughout other areas of Pennsylvania. Something needs to be done to protect the pigeons and this form of abuse and brutality.
Pennsylvania Government Lawmakers - Pigeon shooting is cruel and unjust, a clear case of animal abuse and brutality. You need to enforce this new bill H.B. 1750 statewide and ban all pigeon shoots. Please work closely with State Representative John Maher, and State Senators Stewart Greenleaf, Dominic Pileggi, Pat Browne, and Richard Alloway, who are similarly committed to ending this cruelty. Stop the pigeon shoots immediately!
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