Sickening attack on our waterfowl
- by: Dominique Landis
- recipient: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Mill Creek MetroParks
This most recent plan to murder and kill 200 Geese, is a plan to round-up and gas over 200 geese in the Mill Creek Metroparks reservation. It is beyond dispicable and a sickening attack on our most innocent of waterfowl. We must all help to stop this mass killing.
We all as a community are signing this petition to make your departments aware that we are not accepting your actions to kill and murder these innocent Geese in the Mill Creek MetroParks community. Killing these Geese and any and all animals based on a pre-determined, annoquated and provincial structure set in place in your Wildlife agencies long ago. This protocol of your agencies was obviously set in place by people(s) who had the wrong ideas of how to manage our Widlife. The time has come for your agencies to listen to the public, of how we see fit and to change your policies to protect Wildlife and respect that they have a right to live in harmony with humans and on our lands and in our environments. Please be aware that we are speaking for the innocent animals that cannot speak for themselves and that it is a crime against nature to attack and take advantage of any innocent being.
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