Over 900,000 harp seal pups between the ages of two weeks and three months are brutally slaughtered and bashed repeatedly in the Gulf of St. Lawrence in the Magdalen islands of Quebec annually. These violent acts sole purpose are to provide seal skin pelts or clothing purposes.
The Canadian seal hunt is the largest slaughter of marine mammals in the world. According to Sea Shepherd, a conservation society, in their article for seal hunt awareness published in 2012 on sea shepehard.org, "During the 3-year period of 2003-2005, the Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) allowed a kill quota of 975,000 baby and adult harp seals and 30,000 adult hood seals."
Not only has this cruel seal hunt occurred on the coasts of Canada but has also begun happening off of the coasts of Sweden had been planning to club up 200 seals, having a 25 year ban on the hunt come to an end. The process of the hunt is that these fishermen also know as "sealers", use a devise called a hakapik, which is a sort of bat with a very sharp and long hook at the end of it. These sealers club the seal pups in the head repeatedly, but most of the time not enough to kill them, and then begin to skin them while they are still alive, as if the clubbing wasn't enough pain to endure! These pelts are unfortunately distributed to many countries across the world. The pelts are sold in Europe, Asia, and Canada, but not sold in the United States because of the Marine Mammal Protection act we implemented.
If the Canadian government does not take action in ending this inhumane act the seals, they can face extinction in the near future. By uniting and defending these adorable seal pups we can help repopulate and let them continue to live in their beautiful habitat, worry-free of the sealers. Just think back to when your dogs were puppies or cats were kittens, how unjust would it be if you saw someone clubbing and bludgeoning them in the head over and over, hearing them cry in agony just because someone wanted their fur as a coat? Please get involved and help bring this seal hunt to an end once and for all.