By signing this petition you are demanding that 80% of ALL the money taken in by Animal Welfare non-profit 501c3s charities be used for FOOD,WATER,MEDS,SHELTER OR DIRECT CARETAKING of the animals they claim to be helping.These charities have been buying stocks and bonds,paying non caretakers salaries,having political seminars etc. with money donated by people who wanted the money to help the animals.They are committing a fraud against their donors and the public and then leaving the animals they claim to be helping to die and suffer.NOT ANY MORE-the money goes to the animals!

President Obama,US Congress,US Senate,

Money being donated to help animals through Animal Welfare Groups is being used to buy stocks and bonds,paying salaries of non caretakers,used for political seminars instead of going to the animals needing help.Make it a LAW that 80% of money donated be used for the direct bennefit of the animals it is donated to.Food,Water,Medicine,Shelter,persons caring for the animals.No more using animals for political props by 501c 3s or other non-profit animal charities.

Update #110 years ago
You have to do better than this if you care about animals!Did you know that the reason most of these cats,dogs,animals don't get any help is that the organization trick you into believing your money is being used for the animals?When most of it is being used for their salaries,stocks/bonds,parties,seminars-not animal care and protection?If you want to stop animal cruelty/help animals YOU have to make sure the money goes to the animals who need it-sign this send this!
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