It's no little known fact that many countries all over the world are wasting millions of pounds of edible or reusable food to their landfills, and even more frustrating is that the EPA offers detailed alternatives to simply tossing out day old items.
1. Donate to homeless shelters.
Much of the food that could go to homeless shelters doesn't because restaurants, groceries, and businesses are afraid of being sued. Which is illegal under the Good Samaritan Act of 1996
2. Feed Animals
Farm animals like pigs and goats can eat food not safe for human consumption. (bonus! The price of meat goes down)
3. Industrial Use
Fast food joints throw away hundreds of gallons of frying oil that has multiple industrial uses such as contributing to biodiesel 4. Compost
Food scraps and rotting food from restaurants, business, and residential homes can be composted and used a fertilizers as an alternative to chemical fertilizers. (bonus! The cost of produce goes down) Sign this petition now to ask the Government to start putting these great suggestions to use!
Changing the system is as easy as:
- Asking businesses to put edible food in separate garbage backs from non-food trash like toxins, cardboard, and plastics.
- Arranging excess-food pick ups by volunteers
- Designing urban compost bins that can be collected as they are filled.
We the undersigned would respectfully request that New Mexico take the lead in enforcing socially, environmentally, and economically responsible food waste practices as suggested by the EPA:
Changing the system is as easy as:
- Asking businesses to put edible food in separate garbage backs from non-food waste like toxins, cardboard, and plastics.
- Arranging excess-food pick ups by volunteers for local homeless shelters
We thank you very much for reading this letter and considering this pressing matter.
concerned citizens.