Stop corruption and mining destroying the Ganges River in India

  • by: Vijay Verma
  • recipient: Hon'ble Mr P Sathasivam - Chief Justice of India


For over 17 years, a small band of Indian sadhu's have been fighting to protect the Ganga (the Ganges River) from the disastrous mining operations occuring in Haridwar, India. Their method is to undertake satyagraha, a non violent and powerfuL protest of continuous fasting to save the mother of Hinduism- the Ganges River. By excavating the river, the course of the river has drastically altered, entire islands have disappeared, and the flora and fauna has almost died out.
The consequences of unabated mining are catastropic. Half a billion people depend on this river system for their survival. By mining, the ground water has been depleted by half, water which irrigates vast area's of farming land, affecting the food supply by which the population survives. 
But for the sadhus, mining is doing something far worse, ruining the sacredness of the river. Eroding the core value of what it is to be Hindu. By destroying people's relationship with God in the form of the deity Mother Ganga, worshipped from time immemorial, the destruction of the river will ultimately destroy peoples faith.
Two years ago, the chief minister of the state ofUttarakhrand promised the sadhu's that they would complete an environmental impact assessment (EIA) on the river before any more mining would be undertaken. This promise was recorded on video, and on paper by a documentary film made about the satyagraha of Swami Shivanand, the guru of the ashram, after mining had begun again on the river in 2011. But their agreement has been broken and their word has proven to be false. Today, the trucks, JVC machines and tractors are tearing up the river bed in Haridwar.
This is not the first time they have broken their word, the saints of Matri Sadan have a record of 37 satyagrahas. Each time they fast, the government agrees to stop mining, but inevitably, mining begins again. This cycle of dishonesty and corruption must stop.
Today, Swami Shivanand, who is 67 years old, is once again fasting,from 14th February 2014 onwards despite the myriad of promises to do an environmental impact assessment on the river and ban mining until it is complete, they have done next to nothing. The saints of Matri Sadan have lost two of their satyagrahis, Swami Gokulanda in 2004, and Swami Nigmanandin 2011. Both of these sadhus are believed to have been poisoned by the mining mafia in Haridwar. Swami Gokulanada's post mortem report states he died from scoline poison.
The High Court of Uttarakhrand has ruled that mining of the river is being done by a nexus of high profile mafia people in Uttarakhrand, and it is these people who are behind the corruption which allows mining the sacred river, and with the local government being complicit in their illegal activities.
This petition will force the judicial system to be accountable and transparent in its decision making process. We want the chief justice of India to put his attention on this issue of the Ganga and all of the environmental issues which are currently assaulting the river.
1. Mining
2. Pollution
3. Corruption in the judiciary system
4. Dams
Please sign this petition and send it to all your friends and colleagues, and support Swami Shivanand in his fast to save the holy river.
Update #310 years ago
Swami Shivanand was successful. After 28 days of fasting, taking only a few cups of water, the govt. administration agreed to his demand to cease mining on the Ganges River, thus saving it once again. Thank you for signing and thank you Swami Shivananand.
Update #211 years ago
Swami Shivanand is on day 11 of his fast.

Yesterday, he held a press conference, an important thing had come to light. In a local newspaper, it was reported that a (not so) secret meeting was held between the mining bosses and the press, it said the press were bribed not to publish any information about mining, or the fast of Swami Shivanand. The article can be found here:
Update #111 years ago
Thank you for your signatures. Due to an error on the site, we can't post the video's and images, Hopefully, the website will try to sort this out. Please keep signing!!!!

Here is a video about the issue:

Here is a face book page:

Here is the blog of Matri Sadan:

Here is a website about the documentary made about the issue:

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