Update #310 years ago
Swami Shivanand was successful. After 28 days of fasting, taking only a few cups of water, the govt. administration agreed to his demand to cease mining on the Ganges River, thus saving it once again. Thank you for signing and thank you Swami Shivananand.
Update #211 years ago
Swami Shivanand is on day 11 of his fast.
Yesterday, he held a press conference, an important thing had come to light. In a local newspaper, it was reported that a (not so) secret meeting was held between the mining bosses and the press, it said the press were bribed not to publish any information about mining, or the fast of Swami Shivanand. The article can be found here:
Update #111 years ago
Thank you for your signatures. Due to an error on the site, we can't post the video's and images, Hopefully, the website will try to sort this out. Please keep signing!!!!
Here is a video about the issue: http://youtu.be/FqEDvSSaFyA
Here is a face book page: https://www.facebook.com/Satyagraha.movie
Here is the blog of Matri Sadan: http://matrisadan.wordpress.com/
Here is a website about the documentary made about the issue: www.satyagrahamovie.com