Save Max's Mom!

Bestiality is cross-species sexual activity between human and non-human animals. In most countries, bestiality is illegal under animal abuse laws or laws dealing with crimes against nature. (Wikipedia)

Timothy Allen Smith is a felon and has had sex with minors. That alone would rile the public up and cause many petitions and more. Would you do that for your voiceless best friend?

In the city of Chickasaw, Alabama, a great injustice is going on. Until 2014, Animal cruelty was not a felony, and now that it is justice needs to come for this man.

Maximus is a one year old Doberman puppy. He is highly intelligent and training to become an air dog, also known as dock diving. What would I do for my best friend? I would go to any measure I could to protect him, as he would for me. He is the face of my campaign.

Tim Smith is not an innocent man, and this is not a hoax. This is a serious crime that has been going on for over five years and needs justice. How many more have to die and be traumatized until enough is enough?

The following information is very graphic, sensitive, and sickening; but this needs to be stopped.

Timothy goes to Craigslist, flea markets, shelters, and sometimes even rescue groups in order to find Doberman Pinchers and Great Danes. Once he gets them, he immediately breeds them and sells the puppies to pay for his bills. Sadly, that is not the worst part. As you know, Doberman's have docked tails and cropped ears. Most people take their puppy to their trusted veterinarian to get this done. This man does it himself. He docks and crops their tails and ears with no anesthetics or pain medicine. That would be equivalent to cutting through your own bone, and having no medicine to ease the pain. These are tiny puppies that this man is doing this to. Still, this is not the worst part.

He has in heat females running loose with males, causing numerous fights. This may not seem like a big deal, but the injuries are severe. One time, a person rescued four Doberman Pinchers from him, two female and two males. Each one of them perished. Some on their own, and others had to be euthanized due to the severity of their wounds. Once again, this is not the worst of it.

Once he gets the dogs home, he does very sickening things. The female Great Danes and Doberman's are the ones at greatest risk.

He rapes the females.

He rapes the females, and the ones who fight back are considered disrespectful and he will beat them and kill them. Once he kills them, he drags them to a metal sheet and chops up their bodies and disposes of the evidence by feeding it to alligators near his home.

Many people have been convicted of raping canines this past year, so why is this man any different?

Many people have adopted dogs from this man and each female has vaginal trauma and scarring. Each dog is described as defeated and many can not overcome the abuse and have to be put down.

Probably the worst thing about this is that Tim Smith brags about what he does, and his friends join in on the raping. Several veterinarians have wrote out statements on the dogs conditions and still no justice has been served.

Help save Max's mom and all of the other victims that are suffering..

One signature could mean that change is about to happen. Share and help these innocent canines. Five years is to long, and each minute we waste could mean that another dog is dying.

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Update #19 years ago
Thank you all so much for the signatures, this is STILL going on. We will continue to push this issue.
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