A man has been charged with aggravated animal cruelty offences after allegedly killing nine puppies out of eleven that had been advertised online for sale.
According to reports in the Newcastle Herald, the 25-year-old drove to bushland and began to kill the puppies by hitting them on the head with a rock. A member of the public confronted the man who drove off with several of the puppies that were still alive.
The RSPCA were called and arrived at the scene to find five dead puppies while another died on the way to a vet. One puppy survived.
According to reports in the Newcastle Herald, the defendant has since pleaded guilty to four counts of animal cruelty and has been banned from any association with animals for at least 10 years. He is due to appear at Maitland Local Court on April 28 for sentencing.
No animal should be treated this way. Will you help me demand justice for the nine puppies brutally beaten to death by ensuring he is sentenced to the full extent of the law? The maximum penalty for animal cruelty under the NSW Crimes Act is five years’ imprisonment.
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