Free Tania the Elephant from Tirgu Mures Zoo in Romania

  • by: sue feist
  • recipient: European Association of Zoos and Aquaria. Executive Director Lesley Dickie:
UPDATE: EAZA, the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria have said they will not move Tania from Tirgu Mures in Romania despite worldwide pressure. Their website is:

and their facebook page is:

However we need to keep the pressure up on them to ensure that Tania's health and environment improves. Please follow the Free Tania Facebook page for updates: However we are all still concerned that more should be done to help Tania for the following reasons:

1. The best place for her would be an elephant sanctuary where she would have the space, unlike in the confines of a zoo, to bond with other elephants in her own time
2. The climate in Romania is not suitable and she needs to go somewhere like the elephant sanctuary in Thailand or the US.
3. The concrete inside area she has is unsuitable for her. She needs to be able to access outside areas on 100% natural ground e.g. earth, sand, etc. Because the climate is too cold for her she has to be inside for too long.
4. She has a bad foot which is made worse by the concrete and the fact she has to walk in her urine and faeces from time to time.
5. She is exhibiting stereotypical signs of swinging her head from side to side for long periods of time. EAZA say that she has had this for so long now it will not go aware even if she is moved. We do not accept this and given the right environment such as a sanctuary we hope this would diminish. Also, we are not fundraising for Tania.

Tania is a 37-year-old Elephant suffering a life of solitary confinement at the Tirgu Mures Zoo in Romania, transferred from an Italian Zoo in September. Although the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria requires female Elephants to be housed in groups, Tania is alone. She has a foot infection that is slowly killing her. Please help her find a better home.

WHATS REALLY A MATTER WITH TANIA?Its much more serious than loneliness it is much more serious.Tania lives in a small concrete exhibit that is literally killing her.Most captive elephants die from foot disease arthritis and deadly osteomeylitis because they are not allowed enough movement to keep their limbs healthy. This and more is on the face book page  please still petition  Lesley Dickie Director of EAZA   

Update #311 years ago

I have sent e-mails to Targu Mures Zoo at

Also to Mr Janez Potocnik European Commissioner for the environment Directorate General EDG has a responsibility for overseeing animal welfare including animals in zoos.

. I will be closing the petition and sending off the signatures to Dr Lesley Dickie Executive Director European Association of Zoos and Aquaria EAZA is the Zoos trade body.. Thank you Sue
Update #211 years ago
Thank you to everyone who has signed the petition.It has really grown in the past two days from 75,000 to 150,495 and still growing.There has been a great deal of media attention now for Tania, especially on face book.
Update #111 years ago
I would like to thank everyone who has signed the petition for Tania. I am very new at this and I am very grateful for the information shared. It is wonderful to see so many people from all over the world that really care about animals, children, people, just everything that matters in the world.I do hope that something will happen to help Tania. Thank you all. Sue
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