Forest Clearing for palm oil plantations is the primary reason for ⅔ of tiger habitat loss and forest destruction in Indonesia. Illegal logging is also destroying their homes and forcing the tigers to move themselves closer to human civilization. Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) is the largest company destroying animal habitat in the world and unfortunately is supplying paper to companies we thought would be working to protect our earth, such as National Geo-Graphic. Other companies such as Xerox, Danone, Wal-Mart, Microsoft, and Barnes and Noble have their paper supplied by APP.
The lands being destroyed are carbon-rich areas so consequently their destruction results in global warming. The more carbon released into the atmosphere, the more heat is retained in it and Global Warming increases.
To put it into perspective, the pollution given off by this logging is equivalent to the the emissions from 28 million vehicles per year!
If that isn't enough- 30 years ago there were more than 1,000 tigers, now there are thought to be less than 350.
The tiger depends on the forest as a habitat for living and for hunting, yet just in the year 2009 to 2011, 1.24 million hectares of forest were destroyed and are continuing to be destroyed.
Adding on to illegal logging and palm oil plantations, poachers have been hunting the endangered species. (contributing to their dwindling population.)
To save the tigers, we have to first save their habitat. This means when you buy food or paper materials think about whether the palm oil content in it was obtained by means of a sustainable source.
What do you think you can do as an individual to help prevent Global warming, conserve the home of Sumatran tigers and help maintain the land of South East Asia, Central and West Africa, and Central America? Sign our petition and help be part of the change the Sumatran tigers desperately need!