He Killed Her Family Pet!
Christle and Daisy were coming out of the car and Daisy being a Coon/Rhodesian mix bolted out of the car and ran to friendly neighbors house and Christle did the usual of calling and running after her and even went back to the car and honked the horn knowing that always brings her back, so after 7 minutes of looking for her once again went on back porch and heard a noise and called her and she stumbled to her and then colasped the first time. Mommy thought she was having a heat attack helped her inside and got cold water and cold towels with her daugther crying and petting her face Daisy turned over to see the puncture entrance in her. Ran to the Vet with friend and grommer in tow and through exrays saw she was shot! Died of her injuries! Neighbor saw other Neighbour run into his house and get his gun and shot Daisy! He is wanted for shooting a fox as well. But neighbour isafraid and won't be a witness. SO CAN YOU SIGN AND SHARE BEORE COURT DATE> The shooter is being charged with misdeamor and this is not good enough. We want stronger laws THIS petition is for a stronger sentence for this man that shot her furbaby Daisy.
Christle's beautiful dog-" My baby girl passed away last night(ly 6th,2015). There is a witness who is afraid to stand in court but they had seen her neighbor run into the house and get his gun and shot Christle pet. Killed Daisy !
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