Unchain Pennsylvania's Dogs!

Lonely Dog Watching Out Of His Kennel Stock Photography - 11478332

Dogs in the state of PA need your help! Please show them your support by signing and sharing my petition to unchain Pennsylvania's Dogs!

This is an all too common sight in Pennsylvania as there is no law against tethering these animals. We know dogs thrive interacting with other dogs and humans. They love affection and attention. To see them denied such a simple pleasure in life is heartbreaking.

Please sign my petition to bring PA House Bill 41 to the floor for a vote!

HB41 would make it illegal to tether a dog outside and unattended between 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.

Man's Best Friend deserves better! Please sign the petition to pass anti-tethering bills in PA. Thank you so much for your help!

We are urging you to move respective House Bill 41 to the floor for a vote. This modest bill would go a long way toward protecting dogs from harm by placing restrictions on the practice of leaving dogs tethered  outdoors continually or for long periods of time.

  • Dogs are very social, intelligent creatures that thrive as part of a group.  Continuous tethering leaves them isolated, bored and anxious.

  • Across the state, many dogs are tethered because they have become an inconvenience for someone who no longer wants the responsibility for their care.  A dog can spend hours tangled and unable to reach food, water or shelter even when it is made available to them.  They are subjected to extreme temperatures, often with insufficient shelter or shade.  Dogs that live under such conditions are forced to eat, sleep, and relieve themselves in the same small area day after day, year after year.   In the more severe cases of neglect, dogs have ended up with the collars embedded in their necks. 

  • Tethered dogs may become "part of the scenery" and can be easily ignored by their owners.

  • Please protect these intelligent animals, so that this inhumane practice of tethering can be stopped!

Update #310 years ago
Thanks to all signers, we are getting closer to our goal. Signatures are halted again ATM and I'm hoping you will all consider resharing to give it one last boost! Thanks for your time and for caring!
Update #210 years ago
Thanks so much to all signers! ATM we are 2 signatures short of halfway point. Please consider sharing this one more time of FB, twitter, etc. as signatures have slowed down a LOT! 1,000 signatures first day, 490 in 12 days. Now I'm only seeing one signature per 1/2 day! Please reshare and Care2 may promote this! Thank you!!
Update #110 years ago
Some people are misunderstanding why the dogs are chained in the first place. Right now there is NO LAW in PA against chaining dogs. The chained dogs are there because of their owners. There are many in this state that chain their dogs. They don't want them inside, or no longer care to spend time with them? I can't comprehend it because I don't see the point in having a dog, just to chain it up! There IS NO REASON!This petition is to CREATE a law so chaining will be illegal.
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