Wisconsin has recruited and trained 2,041 new trappers in 2014 added to the 10,000 trappers already raping our public lands of life in the most cruel and sadistic manner. It is causing a mice explosion and a frightening rise in lyme disease. The suffering of over a million target and non-target animals and birds is unfathomable.
At the Monday, April 13 annual DNR election of delegates to represent all citizens ( but only representing hunters & trappers the past 88 years - largely unknown to the non-hunting public ) at 6:30 p.m. ( and only this one night ) any citizen of Wisconsin including children can vote whether to INCREASE TRAPPING 7 months of the year on $5 licenses to ALL NIGHT for trapper convenience. These are our public lands. STAND UP AND RUN AS CANDIDATES FOR THE TWO POSITIONS OPEN EVERY YEAR IN YOUR COUNTY. It is the real power - REPRESENTATION...not just voting on hunter delegate proposals. Without candidates we cannot get any humane legislation.
Market trapping nearly destroyed wildlife in this country in the 1850's. Trapping exports have tripled since 2009 to serve the bottomless Chinese and Russian fashion and trinket markets. 11.9 million pelts were exported last year.
Please sign and network widely.
Please join our membership at Wisconsin Wildlife Ethic - VOTE OUR WILDLIFE at any level to enable us to table at events and work for our wildlife. www.wiwildlifeethic.org You can find out more about how to run as candidates in your Wisconsin county in the annual election the second Monday of April every year. Dominated 99% in delegates by hunters and trappers for an appalling 88 years, this election has been deliberately hidden by the state DNR to keep power in the killing faction. Please help by spreading the word and this petition. Thanks!
Update #59 years ago
The Wisconsin UN-Natural Resources Board of killing enablers meets in two weeks to confirm NIGHT trapping for the 12,000 trappers ( 4,241 new recruits trained by the state to mangle, crush and bludgeon just in the past two years on $5 incentive "starter" licenses.) Please help us end this obscenity. We also have a petition up to end trapping altogether on public lands. Please sign and network that also: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/357/350/321/
Update #49 years ago
Hunters and trappers voted in adding in night trapping to all day trapping for 6-7 months - $5 licenses to incentivize killing our wildlife in the most cruel ways. VERY POOR CITIZEN ATTENDANCE - pathetic, really - 4,600 people attended statewide in a state with 5.7 million citizens and millions capable of voting and electing.
Please show that you care about the millions of earthlings suffering and dying in traps in Wisconsin -now 24/7. There will be nobody left.
Update #39 years ago
The only night Wisconsin citizens can vote AGAINST increasing trapping on all of our public lands from 6-7 months DAYTIME to add in NIGHT TIME is Monday, April 13, at 6:30 p.m. in every county in Wisconsin. Please if you are from Wisconsin, attend and RUN 2 humane candidates in your county every year to change the proposals. Locations for all 72 counties: http://dnr.wi.gov/About/WCC/springhearing.html ONE NIGHT THAT YOU CAN SPEAK FOR THE VOICELESS! THANKS.
Update #29 years ago
URGENT - we need 100,000 signatures on this petition against mangling a million sentient beings in Wisconsin in traps, annually, 2,000 signers enrolling 10 people each and those 20,000 enrolling ten each would do it) Please help and do all you can to end trapping which is destroying our innocent wildlife in the most cruel ways. Thanks for signing. Please take it to the next level now!
Update #19 years ago
Thank you for signing.
Please network this petition to animal friendly organizations, email lists, facebook and twitter friends to get us over 20,000 signatures by April 13.
Please care enough to organize state by state to reform FUNDING of state nature agencies, replacing killing licenses as the main funding mechanism to general public funding tied to fair representation for the 90% + who do not kill wildlife for fun.