Join us in thanking these compassionate leaders for helping St. Louis area animals:
- Mayor Francis Slay, St. Louis City
- Randy Grim, Director of Stray Rescue
- The Volunteers & Staff of Stray Rescue
- Pamela Walker, St. Louis Dept. of Health, St. Louis City Animal Care & Control
- Chief Sam Dotson, St. Louis Police Dept.
- Officer Louie Nayes, St. Louis Police Dept.
In St. Louis, as in most of the United States, this past winter was the most brutal in living memory. Now that we've finally turned the corner into warmer months, many companion animals in St. Louis are alive to bask in the sunshine thanks to proactive and compassionate leadership.
When blizzard conditions and record low temperatures were predicted for the St. Louis area, Mayor Slay announced:
"Even a short time out in the deep freeze can cause permanent injury or even death. This is true for people and pets. We're going to be having teams going out throughout the city looking for both—looking out for people who don't have a place to lay their head at night and also looking for animals being neglected in this cold weather."
Randy Grim of Stray Rescue St. Louis implored people to bring their pets indoors, warning them that "they will die" if left out in the cold, and then mobilized his organization to assist animals in need. Police Chief Sam Dotson said extra officers would be on duty to help look for animals; he told the public these neglected animals would be confiscated and that owners would be cited and possibly prosecuted for animal cruelty.
On behalf of all those animals spared from the misery of hypothermia, frostbite, or freezing to death—WE THANK YOU. Decency, empathy, and humanity are indeed values of a great city. And responsible pet care is part of that.