We are asking for the people of Fort Benton to help change the 2 dog city Ordinance to a nuisance ordnance. We recently were ticketed for having more than two dogs. Not because they were barking or neglected , only for the fact we have more than 2. To our home they are part of our family. They don't cause trouble for anyone and are well cared for. There are many homes in Fort Benton that have more than 2 dogs and we do not believe that is a crime. I understand that people can have concerns that the town will get over run and become a problem, that is why we are proposing the nuisance ordinance in place of the 2 dog ordnance. A person may have 1 dog that lives it's life on a chain and barks nonstop, then there are people that have up to 5 and 6 dogs and most people do not know it because they are well cared for loved and not a bother to anyone. If the dogs are neglected then please for the best interest of the dog please make the owner be accountable. If the yard they live in is not a safe place for them to be please watch out for them. But if people choose to have a family full of dogs, and they are loved, sleep snuggled in bed at night with kids and not a bother, then please allow the responsible people the right to have them. We feel we should not lose our right because of those who chose to do wrong. Please sign this in support of keeping our family together and many others in the town of Fort Benton!!