Zimbabwe kidnapped nearly 200 baby elephants. Now the government is selling them to China to be used as entertainment. Each elephant is being sold for about $40,000 — a small price for the lives of some of the most caring sentient beings on the planet.
Last year, the Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force reported that a number of baby elephants aged two and five years old had been abducted from Hwange National Park. Earlier this year, twenty-four were shipped to China to perform circus-like acts for the public; 170 more are currently waiting to join them.
As justification, Zimbabwean lawmakers claim the elephants are disturbing their neighbors, eating too much food, and are a threat to the economy. To rectify these apparently horrendous crimes, the government has decided to sell the elephant calves into slavery — to live out the rest of their lives as objects of entertainment.
This must stop.
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