The mission of the VT Department of Fish & Wildlife states that: "the conservation of fish, wildlife and plants and their habitats (is) for the people of Vermont." ALL Vermonters have an equal voice in the "management" of wildlife. However, the Department has a strong commitment to hunting and trapping interests, which ultimately determines the wildlife policy in our state.
At this time, the Department is asking for public opinion to extend the time to trap otters. We ask you to add your voice, opposing this request, BY FRIDAY APRIL 21st.
The Department’s explanation for supporting an extended trapping season is not supported by the majority of Vermonters. The majority of Vermonters are not even aware of the reality of the horrific torture endured by animals trapped. We oppose the use of these traps for any animal.
Recognizing that the drowning of animals in traps that submerge them underwater to die; stomping on, clubbing, choking animals caught in traps; the use of leg hold traps, etc. and attributing that their position is based on "the welfare of animals" is disingenuous.
The "welfare of animals" means not supporting the use of traps that cause pain and torture.
Rather, working towards a civilized solution to the change brought about by wildlife, whose land we have taken, is the only answer with regard to the true welfare of animals.
I request that my opinion be added to the opposition to the extension of the time to trap otters.